Walking on a Walk Machine vs Outdoors – Which Is Better?

Is Walking On A Walk Machine Worth It?

Physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Engaging in regular exercise not only improves cardiovascular fitness but also strengthens muscles, increases flexibility, and enhances mental clarity. Among the various forms of physical activity, running, walking, and other cardiovascular exercises are particularly beneficial for building physical strength.

These activities effectively elevate heart rate and engage large muscle groups, promoting endurance and stamina. Furthermore, they contribute to weight management, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and boost immune function.

By incorporating running, walking, or other cardiovascular exercises into our daily routine, we can experience the transformative power of physical activity on our physical and mental health.

Walking on a Walk Machine vs Outdoors?

The choice between walking on a walk machine indoors or walking outdoors ultimately depends on personal preferences and specific circumstances. Both options offer their own unique benefits. Walking on a walk machine, such as a treadmill, provides a controlled environment with predictable terrain and adjustable speed settings.

This can be advantageous for individuals who prefer a consistent workout experience, want to avoid inclement weather conditions, or have limited access to safe outdoor spaces. Additionally, walk machines often come with features like heart rate monitoring, incline adjustments, and built-in workout programs, which can enhance the exercise experience.

On the other hand, walking outdoors allows for a more varied and stimulating environment. It provides fresh air, natural scenery, and the opportunity to explore different routes or trails. Outdoor walking can also offer a sense of connection with nature, which can have positive effects on mental well-being. Additionally, outdoor walking may involve uneven terrain and inclines, which can engage different muscles and provide a more challenging workout.

Ultimately, the key is to choose an option that aligns with individual preferences, convenience, and availability. Some individuals may prefer the convenience and controlled environment of a walk machine, while others may enjoy the sensory experience and variety of outdoor walking.

This article presents a comparison between walking on a walk machine/treadmill and outdoor running, allowing readers to decide which option suits them best based on their preferences and circumstances.

Benefits of Walking Outside

When planning to walk outside, it is crucial to invest in a comfortable pair of running shoes that fit perfectly, ensuring proper support and minimizing the risk of discomfort or injury. Additionally, hydration plays a vital role in maintaining optimal performance and overall well-being during outdoor walks, so remember to hydrate well before, during, and after your walks to keep your body properly fueled and replenished. Following are some of the core benefits of walking outside:

Burn Calories Effectively

Walking outdoors presents challenges such as wind resistance and self-propulsion, requiring your body to exert more effort compared to a motorized treadmill. This increased energy expenditure during outdoor walks leads to higher calorie burning.

Strengthen Muscles and Boosts Mood

walking machine

Walking on sloping sidewalks, steps, and varied outdoor terrains helps to strengthen stabilizing muscles, promoting balance and core strength, which are crucial for overall health as you age. Additionally, living in a hilly area allows you to engage glute and quadricep muscles when walking uphill, while also lengthening and conditioning muscles during downhill walks.

Numerous studies support the positive effects of “green exercise,” which refers to outdoor physical activity, on mental health. A 2014 study revealed that exercising in nature was linked to improved emotional well-being compared to indoor activity. Additionally, studies conducted in 2013 and 2015 found that walking in nature led to reduced stress, anxiety, and enhanced working memory compared to walking in urban areas. Taking time away from screens and daily stressors allows your mind and body to relax, breathe in fresh air, and foster connections within your community.

Train Better and For Longer Distances

treadmill walking machine

The walk machines serve as a convenient option for shorter workouts and improving walking posture and form within a weekly routine, while outdoor walking is preferable for longer, steady-distance training. During extended distance events, outdoor walking allows muscles to engage different muscle groups, reducing the likelihood of discomfort and potential muscle soreness.

Boost Vitamin D Levels Naturally

Walking outside is an excellent way to increase your vitamin D levels as sunlight is the best source for this essential vitamin, crucial for maintaining strong and healthy bones and impacting mood. A deficiency in vitamin D can result from insufficient sun exposure, influenced by factors like geographic location, season, and darker skin pigments. It’s important to note that safe sun exposure can be achieved without causing sun damage or increasing the risk of skin cancer.

During spring and summer, wearing shorts and a tank top and walking outside for 8 to 10 minutes at noon is sufficient to meet the recommended vitamin D intake. If you plan to walk outdoors for a longer duration, remember to carry and apply sunscreen after the recommended exposure time.

More Socially Inclusive Activity

Walking outdoors can provide the extra motivation needed to sustain an exercise routine. A study focusing on individuals with obesity found that they perceived walking outside as more enjoyable compared to exercising indoors. When you genuinely anticipate your exercise sessions, you are more likely to adhere to your routine and engage in longer periods of physical activity.

Disadvantages of Walking Outside

Although walking outdoors often offers picturesque surroundings, it may not always be the most practical choice due to certain challenges, including:

  • Harder surfaces: Walking on pavement can place excessive stress on joints, especially if you have existing joint issues. Opting for softer surfaces like asphalt, dirt, or pea gravel can help alleviate this concern.
  • Safety concerns: Lack of sidewalks or obstacles like dogs along your walking path can pose safety risks. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe walking outside, it’s advisable to choose indoor alternatives.
  • Weather issues: Inclement weather such as rain, snow, or strong winds can make outdoor walking hazardous and potentially discourage your workout. It’s important to prioritize your safety and consider alternative options on such occasions.

Benefits of Walking on Walk Machine or Treadmill

Incorporating a treadmill into your regular workouts is an excellent method to strengthen your walking muscles, refine your form, and enhance your walking speed. Following are the pros of using a treadmill or walk machine in favor of old school walking:

Reduced Weather Dependency

Exercising outdoors can be challenging when faced with unfavorable weather conditions such as cold, heat, or rain. In contrast, a treadmill provides a convenient solution as it can be used regardless of the weather, offering a reliable exercise option at any time of the day or night. Having access to a treadmill, such as at a nearby gym, serves as a beneficial alternative to ensure consistent exercise even when outdoor conditions are less than ideal.

More Control over Workout

Walking on a treadmill comes with the benefit of pre-programmed workouts, such as interval training or simulated hills. The treadmill may also have a digital screen that displays vitals like heart rate, calories burned, and average speed—feedback that can help improve your next walk.

Can Stay Entertained

While listening to music or podcasts outdoors can pose safety risks, engaging in indoor activities like listening to various forms of entertainment, watching TV, or reading a book provides a safer environment for such distractions. These indoor distractions can be particularly beneficial for individuals who find themselves easily bored during walks, as they help to pass the time more quickly and make the activity more enjoyable.

Disadvantages of Treadmills

While treadmills offer numerous benefits, it’s important to consider their disadvantages as well. Here are three key drawbacks:

  • Limited muscle engagement: Treadmills provide a consistent and flat surface, which can result in limited muscle engagement compared to outdoor walking. The absence of uneven terrain and varying surfaces means that certain stabilizing muscles may not be adequately challenged. This can impact overall muscle strength and stability, potentially limiting the effectiveness of your workout.
  • Monotony and mental fatigue: Walking on a treadmill in a stationary environment may lead to monotony and mental fatigue over time. The repetitive motion and lack of changing scenery can make workouts feel dull and less enjoyable. This may decrease motivation and make it harder to maintain a consistent exercise routine in the long term.
  • Cost and space requirements: Treadmills can be expensive to purchase for home use, and even gym memberships with treadmill access may come with additional costs. Additionally, treadmills require a dedicated space within your home or gym, which may be a constraint for individuals with limited space. These factors should be taken into consideration when deciding whether a treadmill is a practical and affordable option for your exercise needs.

It’s important to weigh these disadvantages against the benefits and consider personal preferences and goals when deciding whether to incorporate a treadmill into your fitness routine.

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Walk Machine – The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the choice between walking on a walk machine indoors or outdoors ultimately depends on personal preferences, goals, and individual circumstances. Outdoor walking offers the benefits of fresh air, natural scenery, and the opportunity to engage with nature, which can contribute to improved mental well-being. On the other hand, walking on a walk machine provides convenience, control over the workout environment, and options for specific training programs. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to consider factors such as weather, terrain, safety, and personal comfort to determine which option suits you best. Ultimately, the most important aspect is to engage in regular walking, as it is a fantastic exercise for overall health and fitness.

Walk Machine FAQ

How much calories burn in a 1 km walk?

The number of calories burned during a 1 km walk can vary depending on several factors, including your weight, walking speed, and individual metabolism. On average, a person weighing around 70 kilograms (154 pounds) can burn approximately 30-40 calories per kilometer walked at a moderate pace. However, please note that this is an estimate and the actual calorie burn can vary from person to person.

How many steps are in a kilometer?

On average, there are approximately 1,250 to 1,550 steps in a kilometer, depending on your stride length and height. This can vary slightly between individuals.

Is walking a good exercise for weight loss?

Yes, walking can be an effective exercise for weight loss when combined with a balanced diet. Regular walking can help burn calories, increase metabolism, and contribute to overall calorie deficit, which is necessary for weight loss.

How long should I walk each day to maintain good health?

The American Heart Association recommends aiming for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, per week. This can be spread out over several days, with a goal of approximately 30 minutes of walking on most days.
Can walking help improve cardiovascular health?
Yes, walking is a low-impact cardiovascular exercise that can help improve heart health. It can strengthen the heart, lower blood pressure, and improve circulation, reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Are there any tips for increasing the intensity of my walks?

To increase the intensity of your walks, you can try incorporating interval training by alternating between periods of brisk walking and slower-paced walking. You can also include inclines or hills in your walking route or use hand weights for added resistance.